Announcing GlassWire Basic, Pro, & Elite!

Please note that the free version of GlassWire is still available and none of the previous functionality for free users has been removed. You’re welcome to continue to use our free version indefinitely but we hope you’ll find our upgraded versions are worth buying!

I really like GlassWire, but it’s too expensive for me :frowning:

Maybe at half the price :thumbsup:

You’re welcome to use the free version indefinitely. We haven’t removed any features from our original software.

I am aware of that, Servo. I did actually read the post I was responding to. :smile:

If there is a discounted price at some point, I would be happy to support GlassWire.

The new features look great, but like I said, it’s just too expensive for me.

Perhaps the full version could be offered for free to beta testers, like the good folks at Adguard.

Please join our email list that’s listed on our download page. We may have some opportunities in the future for GlassWire users.

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