Bandwidth in display

Lastpass manual mentions that the graph shows for exanple 6Kb/s which I interpret as 6 K bits per second. However my graph shows such things as 1MB which I interpret as 1 MBYTE/second. This fits with a speed test of about 10 Mb/s. (My cable connection is slow).
So why does the graph not show 1MB/s or am I misunderstanding everything.


Please check out this Blog post and see if it helps explain how GlassWire’s graph and bandwidth work.


Thanks Ken, I now know what I have been missing. The KB/s etc only show when you are watching the full graph. I always open Apps and that is the difference.
The full info in the blog you suggested is very complex and I need to spend more time digesting it.
I note that the bytes used only show when you pause the diplay to see hosts. I must have overlooked this.
Thanks, Ron

If you’d a paid user the mini viewer also shows more information about your current bandwidth usage. Just go to the top left GlassWire menu and choose “show mini viewer”.