Change the Graph to Bar/Histogram graph

I started using Glasswire on Android and it is the best UI app so far in it category.
I was really impressed with it ability to show data comparison on Bar graph.

On PC things are very different. I cant see the bar graph, only the curves which are less communicating. I am trying to do that for the past 2 weeks. I can’t. I simply can’t nor I cant see that option to shift to bar graph mode.

I am forced to use DU Meter and Net Limiter for this. Any help, please


The feedback we got after switching to the bar graph from the smooth graph on Android was almost universally dislked, so it’s unlikely we’ll add a bar graph to Windows since people seem to despise it. We were forced to switch to a bar graph style with Android due to API changes.

Details why we had to change it are here:

But I see you have the opposite feelings. If many others request bar graphs with Windows we’ll consider it.

Thanks for your feedback.

That’s very hard to swallow since I have only know glasswire with bar graph on Android… And I like it…
I think if the user will be given the option to choose the display. It will improve the overall experience UX.

Thanks, am looking forward

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Yes, we actually closed the ticket to add a bar graph option to Windows because Android users hated the bar graph so much. We were surprised also.