Do I need glasswire for each computer?

Just downloaded glasswire. Does it need to be on each computer to figure out network useage?

Yes. You can monitor remote computers like this

Does this mean that just the “host” computer needs Basic, and on the basic plan up to 3 remote computers install the free version and then link the the paid version, would the paid version show all the “Paid Features” of the unpaid remote connections?

Yes, you’re correct.

Actually, I don’t think this is correct – certainly not in my configuration.

EeveeA said, “on the basic plan up to 3 remote computers install the free version and then link the paid version, would the paid version show all the “Paid Features” of the unpaid remote connections”.

When I was running exactly this configuration, the remote computers would only show the “free” functions, not the “paid” functions even though they were accessed remotely via a paid installation. This is what I expect should be the case. The Basic plan allows all paid function on that machine – it does not provide all paid function on the remote machines, it simply enable remote monitoring of “free” machines at their installation level (“free”).

To get the paid functions on the remote machine, you must purchase the Pro or Elite plan which allows installation of that paid level on additional machines.

Also, I must point out to the OP (Original Poster). Your original question is inherently incorrect – " Does it need to be on each computer to figure out network usage?". You will be able to see the network usage of each individual machine on which Glasswire in installed. That is NOT the same as “network usage”. First, you can only see the usage for the one machine at a time. Second, to get the usage for all the Glasswire machines, you must manually collect usage from the various machines and calculate the total usage. BUT! You will not get the total usage – devices that are connected but that don’t run Glasswire (i.e. Android or iOS devices, a TV, an AVR etc.) will probably have their own level of usage and Glasswire cannot determine those. For example, any device downloading with Netflix that is not running on one of the Glasswire machines, will have a lot of traffic, but the usage will not be captured by Glasswire.



Yes, I think there was a misunderstanding by Ken.

Thank you for the reply, Rich. Well, now this means if I want to monitor 3 machines from 1, I would need Elite.

Servo, do you think this knowledge can be slightly better documented under the remote monitoring details? Since I read through it and did not have the information needed to asses whether I would need Basic or Pro for my needs.

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Yes, If you want to be able to get all the functions and alerts of Glasswire on all remote machines, you must have a license that covers each. However, I don’t think that the basic Usage function requires more than the Free version. From your main Glasswire client (the one you want to use to view the remote machines) you can load the remote machine and see the Graph, Firewall, Usage and Alert tabs – the Network tab will be greyed out. However, you will not be able to activate all the Alert functions with the Free version, and I’m not sure how far you will be able to drill down in each tab.

I agree the Help info needs should be more complete. To figure all this out, you need to read all the Help and tie it together with the Buy and Features page and some use of the product to really figure out the details.

We will work on improving documentation. Sorry for any confusion.