Error in identifying regions such as Thailand still persists


It’s a GW lookup error that still persists. I have even gotten that Thailand region ID with local addresses on my local network that are not affiliated with Cloudflare in any way.

Now that I know how the hackers work, I don’t pay any attention to the flags anymore. If they’re in China and they want to hack a U.S. computer, they will run it through a U.S.-based server. All you’ll see is a U.S. flag … or maybe Thailand … doesn’t mean anything!

Hi all,

We did have a bug effecting multicast addresses region identifying as Thailand. This was fixed and released in December. Please make sure you are using the most recent version of GlassWire to see the fix.


the error persists even using the latest version 3.1.484

Not taking the bait to upgrade to v3 for this fix. Will live with the Thailand flags perpetually… :joy: