Glasswire 100% disk utilization all the time & no option to automatically check/update to newer version

I’ve ASUS N550JK machine using Windows 10 Pro X64 with Intel Core i7 4700HQ & 1TB of 5400rpm HDD.

The glasswire control service all the time uses 100% of my HDD causing the whole system to slow down and often freeze to almost unusable levels.

This problem is been persisting for at least 7 months with no noticeable improvement regardless of updates.

Another issue is, the glasswire never automatically checks to the newer version of it. The problem is I’m a very busy person and it’s quite the hassle to manually check the version from the control panel and then telly from the website and then manually update the program.

The third issue is, the usage tab takes a huge amount of time to load and display the amount of data consumed which also is pretty annoying. Please use something like buffers or caches to speed up the load time required to calculate the data used.

Please fix the above issues ASAP, especially the high disk usage one. I don’t want to uninstall such a wonderful product.


Sorry for the problem. Can you try updating your ASUS drivers and see if it helps with the disk problem?

GlassWire does check for updates if you don’t have it blocking itself, but it does not automatically update. We are working on improving this in the future.

Do you run Bittorrent?

My drivers are already up to date.

It’s pretty strange that I been using this product for now more than a year and not even a single time this product informed me if there’s a new update out there, I had to check it manually everytime.

About BitTorrent, I do sometimes use Utorrent but even without the Utorrent running at all, glasswire hogs down my whole disk. So its all the same with or without the Utorrent.

One thing to inform is that I am a very heavy browser due to nature of my work, I have to work with 15-20 tabs in Google Chrome simultaneously.

But still, this product using 100% of my disk and slowing down my whole computer is just ridiculous.

I’ve tried even heaviest of antiviruses on my PC and none of them seemed to affect my computer’s performance to such extent.

So I believe there’s some flaw in the engineering of this product.

This is a very serious issue and it’s ruining the such a wonderful and amazing product.

Please look considerably into it to fix this issue ASAP.


We’re unable to recreate this problem on our end. Please email our contact page with a link to this thread. Maybe our team can make a custom development logging version of GlassWire to investigate why this happens for you.

maybe either you’re using SSD or using the computer in ideal working condition…

As I said earlier, I work in a very network demanding environment, I do really lots of web browsing, video streaming and files downloading and my average daily data consumption is 2 GB…

Nevertheless, after uninstalling glasswire, my disk usage is not even crossing 50%.

Until a fix comes, I have to stay away from such a wonderful product. :-(.

I’ve contacted the team through email, lets see what they can offer.

mine does the same… sick of it… thank god i didnt buy it…