Glasswire 'Ask to Connect' - Windows 10 Enterprise


I’m a glasswire pro user and I want to use glasswire on my office laptop however, I am not getting the “Ask To Connect” popups. I’m aware that firewall needs to be on. I see some settings are controlled by Group Policy on my office laptop however I see Firewall to be on.

I have attached the firewall settings screenshot, please let me know if this is enough for Glasswire to function correctly?



If you uninstall GlassWire using add/remove programs, then reinstall using the “clean” install option does it solve it?

According to your settings, do you have the ability to “reset windows firewall to its defaults” in your Windows control panel? If so can you try that before reinstalling GlassWire with its “clean” install options? That should solve it.

The “Windows Defender Firewall is off” at the top of the window has me concerned, but if you try the things above you can confirm that’s the problem.