Glasswire blocks access to NetGear Router page

Unless I shut Glasswire down I cannot access my Netgear router’s configuration page. No error message just a Chrome browser window with nothing in it.

Is the Netgear router accessed through a web page, or through an application? If you switch to “Click to block” mode does it work? Is it only in “Ask to connect” mode?

It is accessed via a browser window. {Chrome} And I did not get any indication from GlassWire that it had blocked it however I can only get the page to open if I shut down GlassWire.

Not a huge issue but as my Router has been complaining about too many connections when there should only be 5 [supposed to support 32] I purchased GlassWire to show all the connections which it does minus the machine GlassWire is running on. It shows 4 connected and this laptop so I have 5 connections.

Looking at the list of APPs in Firewall, I don’t see anything relating to an attempt to attach to the router. I would have expected to see it listed under Google.

Firewalls are very strange animals. I found GlassWire after having to shut down my AVAST firewall to use my smartphone as a remote for my KODI Media Center. The AVAST firewall is shut down now as I like the features of GlassWire 1000% more.

Anyway not a huge issue nor a deal breaker. Great software.

Weird. I don’t understand how GlassWire could block access to a web page like that. I’ll see if someone on our team uses that brand of router so we can try to reproduce and fix this.

Thanks for using GlassWire!

Our dev team asked if you can leave GlassWire running, but then go to the “Firewall” tab and switch off the firewall and see if it corrects the problem.


I switched off the GlassWire Firewall and could now connect to my router with the rest of the GlassWire App still running.

Unless you have a ton of customers with a similar problem this might not be worth your effort as the fix is rather easy and I don’t know of anyone who stays logged into their router’s configuration page.

Thanks for your attention however.


Craig, I have used two different NetGear Routers anda NetGear wireless connection device and have never had a problem like you describe. My current router is the R7000. Before upgrading to this, I used the WNDR4300.

Have you used Netgear Genie to manage your router? If not, I recommend that you do for two reasons. 1) it’s a standalone app that will give you the same info but with a different (graphic) interface. 2) it still allows you to acces the Chrome (or Edge, etc.) router “page” either by entering the ip as you suggest or by clicking on the router ip in Genie. I frequently use both interfaces as they provide the information in a different format.

There is also a Netgear Genie App for Android/iOS that is again slightly different in display that can be helpful in resolving questions about your network.

My Netgear router is old enough to vote. WPN824 v3 and as this is the only issue I have with GlassWire it is not a deal breaker given all the other nice features.

Good program and good value IMO.

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Whup, yeah! Old enough to vote. I can definitely tell your that router technology has accelerated by leaps and bounds in more recent years (since your router started drinking :grin: )

You may still want to download Genie to see if it will work with your router. It discovers my other non-Netgear equipment, so no telling how it might deal with Netgear.