Help this is urgent

So I downloaded Glasswire, and IT HAS A MASSIVE DELAY. I go to a web, that usually wastes 4 mgb, but when I got on it, it said i have not wastes anything.

It does A HUGE DELAY, it can not be that for 15 minutes on the internet i have wastes 0B.0B.


help this is really urgent.

I’m just another customer, but I think you should stop Glasswire, go to Control Panel and uninstall it, then open File Manager and go to the Program Data subdirectory of you computer and delete the Glasswire subdirectory. Reboot your machine and then try to download Glasswire again.

Edit: I just saw all the other posts on different threads that you made and provided additional information – such as, this is not a new install. My suggestions still holds as long as you are willing to lose your Glasswire history data. Otherwise you will probably want to wait for the support team to comment.

@Nibron I answered on your other thread too. Did you delete the “GlassWire” folder in your “programdata” folder after uninstalling? That usually fixes the problem.