GlassWire Menu | Settings | Client | General

General page (:free:)

This page is accessed from the GlassWire menu | Settings window.

Begin idle mode in checkbox and x minutes field (:free:)

Idle mode allows you to choose if GlassWire will detect if your computer is idle or not and show that info on the graph.

This is useful because you can see if there is any unusual network activity while you were not working at your computer. You can then investigate what happened while your computer was supposed to be idle or sleeping.

Run on startup checkbox (:free:)

Checking the Run on startup checkbox makes GlassWire start when you start up your computer.

Enable tray notifications checkbox (:free:)

Checking the Enable tray notifications checkbox allows tray alerts to temporarily appear on your computer desktop and alert you to possible problems.


If you only need to disable these notifications temporarily you can go to GlassWire menu and select Snooze on to hide desktop notifications for 24 hours.

Enable admin account password request checkbox and Unlock button (:free:)

Checking the checkbox to Enable admin account password request keeps GlassWire more secure by only allowing changes to GlassWire if you have your admin password. Otherwise anyone who has access to your computer could change your GlassWire settings.

Clear History dropdown and Clear button (:free:)

Clear History deletes your network traffic history displayed in the Graph, Usage and Alerts tabs.

  1. Select the history period you want to delete. The default is to delete All history but you can choose to keep them most recent data for the last 24 hours or the last 7 days:
  • All

  • Keep last week

  • Keep last day

  • Select the Clear button to delete the history.

  • Confirm your action in the Clear history dialog window

    Are you sure you want to permanently clear your history for the selected time period?

  • Select the Yes button to clear your history or select the No button to retain your history.


Your network activity (graph and usage history, alerts) is never sent to GlassWire servers. This data is only stored on your local computers.

GlassWire only communicates with its servers to check for GlassWire updates.

Language (:free:)

The Language dropdown list allows you to select the display language for GlassWire.


This is the same feature as GlassWire menu | Language.

Graph Theme dropdown ( :free: / :heavy_dollar_sign:)

The Graph Theme dropdown set the graph colors. Some colors make it easier to differentiate incoming bandwidth from outgoing, plus it’s fun!


In GlassWire, Graph themes are the same as Skins so this is the same feature as GlassWire menu | Skins.

You cannot select all the graph themes if you are using the free version:

  • Dark text indicates skins you can use: The first seven skins are free. (:free:)
  • Grey text indicates themes that you cannot use with the free version. There are five paid which cannot be selected. (:slight_smile:

Skins do not change the colors of the Windows desktop elements like the window title and background.

Mini Viewer Transparency slider (:heavy_dollar_sign:)

The Mini Viewer Transparency slider sets the transparency of the Mini Viewer window so you can see through that window to the desktop or window behind it::

  • The default is 0% or no transparency with the slider button moved towards the right.
  • The greatest transparency is about 5% with the slider button moved to the left.


You cannot make the window completely transparent because then you could not see it to select it and move or resize it.

Keep Mini Viewer on top checkbox (:heavy_dollar_sign:)

Check the checkbox for Keep Mini Viewer on top to ensure that other windows will not obscure the mini viewer. It will always appear in front of other programs


The mini viewer will not display on top of the following desktop elements like the following:

  • the Windows start menu
  • the Windows feature menu
  • task bar pop-ups
  • desktop notifications

The mini viewer will not be visible when Windows displays any of the following:

  • the Windows lock screen
  • the Windows logon screen
  • the Windows User Access Control (UAC) dialog, e.g. when you are prompted to enter your admin password.

OK button (:free:)

The OK button will accept your changes to all settings in all tabs of the Settings window.

It also closes the Settings window.

Cancel button (:free:)

The Cancel button will abandon all your changes in all the tabs in the Settings window.

It also closes the Settings window.

:pencil2: How to improve this topic

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