Network Tab Error?

My network tab says I have 99-107 devices on my network but I have a single pc hooked directly to my cable modem. What gives?


Please go to the top left GlassWire menu and choose “About” and let us know what version you’re using. What are the device types that are connected?

1.27.9 is the version. It doesn’t say what the devices are but I will try to attach a screenshot.

Perhaps you are able to see the devices also connected to the network you’re on somehow due to the way it’s configured.

Well, I’m on a home network plugged straight into my modem; no router, no other devices here in the house.

Could you email us a screenshot?

I meant that maybe the ISP has something configured so you can see the other modems and houses around you using the same network.

If I could figure out how I sure would. When I go to the link in the email nothing opens.

Sorry for the confusion! You have to open a new email in your email client, then type in our email address manually. We should improve that, you’re right.

It won’t take the address in the email. Can you give me an email address here?

Ok, I think I figured it out. Please check your mail.

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We never received the email for some reason. Sorry. You can try sending me a screenshot privately or post it to a third party service.

Steps to fix-
Step 1: Inspect the Page
On the page with the error message, right-click the page and choose Inspect in the dropdown menu.

Step 2: Select the Network Tab
The browser’s network tab is a way to look directly at what’s happening behind the scenes of a page. It shows us not only the type of data being requested and passed as we interact with the page, but it also lets know if there are any actions that are failing. After selecting Inspect, a new window will appear. In this new window, click the Network tab. Then, select the XHR filter option. This will hide everything except API requests.

Step 3: Refresh the Page
Click the Refresh button in your browser. Since the Network tab will only show us the requests that occur after the tab has been opened, we’ll need to refresh the page so that we can view the error as it occurs. As the page reloads, you’ll see various API requests populate the panel. It should look something like this:

Step 5: Re-create the Error
In order to understand what’s causing our error, we’ll first need to go through the same steps we took to get the error so that we can watch the request happen in real time. In this case, to recreate the error we’ll click Update again. By re-creating the error, we’ll see exactly which request is causing the issue.

Step 6: Find the Red-Line Item in the Network Panel

This is the error that occurs when clicking Update in HubSpot. The status is 400, which is the error code for “bad request.” Everything else has the status 200, which is the code for “OK,” meaning nothing went wrong for those other requests.

Step 7: Preview the Error Details
Click the red-line item to see the error details.

Clicking that line item will open a new frame on the right-hand side, and in this frame you’ll see a few tabs: Headers, Preview, Response, Cookies, and Timing. In this case, stick with Preview since this contains the basic information.

Step 8: View the Error Message
While in some cases you won’t see a specific message here, in this case, you’ll see the following:

“The scheduled publish date for this page must be in the future.”

This message gives a clue—it reveals that the publish date for the page is being set incorrectly.

To check the publish date, click the Publish or Schedule tab at the top of the page editor. This is where you can choose whether to publish a page immediately or schedule the publishing for a future time. When scheduling the page, we’ll need to be sure that the scheduled time is not set in the past, since pages can only be published at future times. In my case, this was the source of the error: I had set the scheduled publish time to be in the past. Once I set this to a time in the future, I was able to publish the page.

Rachel Gomez