Paid for subscription with Bitcoin but got nothing (solved)

Hi there, 20mins ago I took the decision to pay for your firewall. I went on to pay with Bitcoin, sent the coins from my trezor wallet & coinbase expired the order. :slight_smile:
Besides the fact that coinbase has so many negative reviews about their business practices I’m standing at -70$ and no product.
The transaction tx is:

For the order i submitted the same email I used to sign up with your forum, please correct this.

Thanks for the fast response guys :slight_smile:


Please check your email (spam) now and let me know if you have the order now. I sent it myself.

Sorry for the delay.

Coinbase can give an error if the payment is not exact, and it causes us to not get the final order email for awhile. When we don’t get the order email we don’t know about the order yet, so your order email can get delayed.

I’m glad it’s OK now!

Hi Ken

Sorry to message you here. I would like to sign up for the Basic Package. Please pm me.



We no longer accept crypto, but you can sign up here with a credit card or other payment methods.