Suggestion for Things Section

After scanning the subnet and returning all responding devices could there be the ability to port scan any individual devices returned. I found an unknown device (was my PFSense firewall) and wanted to scan the ports to determine what the device might be (in this case I knew it was the firewall because it had the gateway IP). I would probably pull up a command prompt and run Nmap but thought it would be nice to have a built-in port scan to utilize.

Thanks for having an amazing product will be recommending to everyone I know…



Thanks for your feedback. I’ll share this with our team.

Our next update will have major Things improvements, but no scanning on that version yet. It will have additional info though that should help you find out what the device is without scanning (hopefully).

Excellent idea from ColonelNeeko. I would also suggest that when a user adds a label (such as “printer” or “cellphone”) to a “Thing” that GlassWire refer to this label when Glasswire refers to that “Thing” in a subsequent alert, etc…


I have 5 or 6 devices in things, one of them is labeled New Modem and another one labeled Old Modem.I would like to get rid of the one that is labeled Old Modem because it is no long being used. How do I get rid of it? Here’s a Screen Shot of what I’m talking about. Hope it helps.


The old modem is completely offline, yet it still appears? Sounds like a bug.

Our next update will have huge “Things” improvements, so please be on the lookout.

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Batpup, silly question, i take it you did a new “Scan” which should re-fresh the list of devices.

BTW. Ken i would like to see “Things” Re-named to IoT Thanks…

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I have rescanned and it will not get rid of it. I also have Things set to scan every 60 seconds because I have devices that connect off and on. But this Old modem is not disappearing and not even connected! Weird! I have a suspicion that there is something else connecting to my computer that I am not aware of. I’m going to look into it and let you know what I find. Hmmm! :smiley:

Thank you Ken Glasswire!

Hi @ColonelNeeko - port scan feature in Things tab will be great feature. But you’ve asked for this feature about 8 months ago and GW still don’t implemented it. :unamused:

Dear @Ken_GlassWire - any chances for Things +tab port scan feature? :nerd_face:

Currently I must copy IP address from GW and use external app like NMAP. This is not optimal and take a longer time. Especially for sysadmins when GW running on servers.

For beginning GW can scan only several ports (Un*x standard services will be OK). Plus some little configuration for custom port scan. Of course this feature will be great for PRO/ELITE users. Maybe Free version users will bought paid version of GW for this feature.


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When experimenting with this feature we have found it makes some security device alerts go off, and some Enterprises do use our app… We will keep thinking about adding port scanning. Thanks!

Why couldn’t you make this a setting that can be enabled for users who want to have an NMAP scan run on the background, and disabled for enterprise users to avoid security appliances alerting?

I guess it’s because most people will just see the security alert and it will cause problems, and they may not even know it’s related to GlassWire. We have a policy of avoiding doing any harm to our customers, and we are afraid this can harm them in unexpected ways. For example an IT admin might investigate this for hours to finally figure out it’s our app, then be very angry about this.

Valid points. I think this could be a setting that is enabled, which when enabled, states this will likely alert on security appliances as a network scan. Another thing you can do is have Glasswire run a custom NMAP script which would include “Glasswire Scan” in either the script ran, or include it in the packet data for easier understanding of what caused the NMAP Scan.

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Interesting idea, thanks!