Unrecognized devices

I have three Smart TVs and one Roku Express that GW will not monitor. I have refreshed IoT several times to no avail and now I am wondering whether GW is capable of monitoring devices that are WiFi connected. Any ideas or assistance?

Thanks for trying GlassWire. Unfortunately GlassWire cannot track your entire network because that would mean it would need to interface with your router.

However many people world-wide use GlassWire to stay under their ISP and mobile data limits. The reason people use GlassWire to stay under their data limits is because in most cases PCs are responsible for data overages and GlassWire can show you in detail what apps/hosts are responsible for using your data. You can then block those apps with our firewall, or just uninstall them.

We also have an Android app https://www.glasswire.com/glasswire-for-android/ that also focuses on data usage, and can show data usage for WiFi and mobile.

GlassWire also has a “Things” list that shows all the IOT (Things) on your network. It can alert you when a new unknown device joins and starts wasting your data.