3.3.678 - still crashes

It looks like version 3.3.678 did not fixed problem of GlassWire crashes on intensive network usage. Are there any updates when it will be fixed? Problem persists since November.

Hi @Scyzor-yk,

The latest version does not yet have the new kernel driver as it is still in the testing phase. Thanks for your patience, it should be ready soon!


Thanks for letting us know it wasn’t included in this release.

I’m having the same issues: was working good two versions before 3.3.678 and now back to crashing at startup and at random times

Any updates on the subject? Thanks

Hello @Scyzor-yk,
over the course of the next few weeks we will release a new version that should overcome at least part of these crashing issues, we are still testing it.
We appreciate your patience and ask for some more.