Cannot see all traffics

I’m trying your application on Window 10 but I cannot see all the traffic on my Ethernet interface. Why ?

Dear @Marc_OSSART Thank you for your message.

The values in the pie chart correspond to the selected interval. The Task Manager provides stats for one minute, thus if you select the one-minute interval in GW, you should see almost the same information as Task Manager.


Dear Sahar,
I have traffic for applications on ports higher than 50000 for example I cannot see.
Is GallWire only displaying the traffic types of application he can recognize or anything ?
Thank you,

Dear @Marc_OSSART Thank you for your note.

We recognize traffic types based on port. If we don’t know the port, we place this traffic in the ‘other’ category. Traffic for applications on ports higher than 50000, could enter into the ‘other’ category.

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