Can't upgrade to Elite

I’ve got basic and I’ve paid to upgrade to Elite - I’ve tried the above link to fix the issue but Glasswire still opens with ‘Deactivate Glasswire’ every time - I can’t deactivate it!! Even after deleting the License file! I really don’t want to uninstall it to upgrade in case it deletes all of my blocked apps (btw is there a way to back up that list of blocked/allowed apps?).



After removing the .dat file, if you reboot does it then fix it? If you don’t stop the GlassWire service it may not work.

I don’t think uninstalling is necessary. Please try stopping the GlassWire service again, maybe the UI was stopped instead?

Yes restarting did the trick! Would be good to put it in your guide too, thanks

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haha. nice point Thank you so much for this. I was into this issue and tired to tinker around to check if its possible but couldnt get it done. Now that i have seen the way you did it, thanks guys
miles smith