Control Service crashes often

it happens randomly maybe once a week, GW has auto updated at least once maybe couple times since first occurrence months ago, this is all I know other than I have to manually start the service

  • System

    • Provider

    [ Name] Application Error
    [ Guid] {a0e9b465-b939-57d7-b27d-95d8e925ff57}

    EventID 1000

    Version 0

    Level 2

    Task 100

    Opcode 0

    Keywords 0x8000000000000000

    • TimeCreated

    [ SystemTime] 2024-07-02T03:27:57.5420014Z

    EventRecordID 52220


    • Execution

    [ ProcessID] 9648
    [ ThreadID] 9980

    Channel Application

    Computer websrv64

    • Security

    [ UserID] S-1-5-18

  • EventData

    AppName GWCtlSrv.exe
    AppVersion 3.3.678.0
    AppTimeStamp 6646004a
    ModuleName ucrtbase.dll
    ModuleVersion 10.0.22621.3593
    ModuleTimeStamp 84b62951
    ExceptionCode c0000409
    FaultingOffset 0009e3bb
    ProcessId 0x404
    ProcessCreationTime 0x1dac8ff35ca8bd8
    AppPath C:\Program Files (x86)\GlassWire\GWCtlSrv.exe
    ModulePath C:\WINDOWS\System32\ucrtbase.dll
    IntegratorReportId 8229fa23-5d64-4884-a161-0b57088877f4

Hello @randymca,
could you please provide a crash dump?
It usually appears on the desktop and the file name is something like: GWCtlSrv.exe.5972.dmp

greetings, nothing on my local desktop , I scanned all c:\ for GW*.dmp but nothing, also looked in some appdata / system32 crash folders but nothing, after it occurs and I reconnect to desktop the little tray icon balloon is white and when I click it shows the GW screen with a “connect” button that of course doesnt work until I start the service manually - its like it just stops with the event logged … is there someway to get it to generate a dmp on next event or put it in verbose logging in some way ? thank you