Disable auto update notification

Hello, how i can disable update notification on windows 10? Without update course

It’s not a good idea to disable Windows updates but you can probably do this using the Windows Update service. Via Control Panel > Administrative Tools, you can access Services.

In the “Services” window, scroll down to Windows Update and turn off the process.

To turn it off, right-click on the process, click on Properties and select “Disabled” . That will take care of Windows Updates not being installed on your machine.

That’s not what kazazuz meant. They probably meant how to disable the notification Glasswire displays when there’s an update.

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I’m also interested in how to disable this… the popup windows at every restart are very annoying.

Add following to your Windows hosts file (search Google how to do that) and see if it helps. I use a TAB after the IP. Replace the : with . (otherwise I could not create this post, sorry) update:glasswire:com