Feature - Install on router

These are more as DPI featured router and Access points with remote controlling features. All these comes at cost based on the need. If any and every devices to be monitored with DPI a gateway and access point from Ubiquiti setup is needed. Normal AP will also have controller software that gives device bandwidth usage but dpi at application level needs some more power and storage . An all in one device is Ubiquit Dream machine. If you just need real time traffic and approximate data usage for the month then nighthawk series router have traffic monitor and Ubiquiti edge router can give real time home traffice if that set as WAN gateway for connecting all devices to that for Internet.

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Asus Merlin WRT is also capable of running it! =)
Iā€™d love to centralize monitoring with Glasswire, but for now I have to use alternative solutions.

Woah, 2 years later and no progress on this? Thatā€™s disappointing. Probably wonā€™t renew my Glasswire licenses in favor of another software, that can already do all of this.

You will likely need to seek an alternative. Glasswire so far has only been intended to protect end user devices. I think they may be interested in investigating a router based feature, but any implementation would be far in the future in any case, as it would be a complex project.


Itā€™s not as hard as you might think. I agree tough, glasswire feels like they had a great idea and then just abandoned making new features. Thereā€™s a lot to be desired for more advanced users.

I used to work in a large corporate IT network team, so I understand a thing or two about routers, LANs, and WANs as it regards network monitoring.

I am all in favor of a Glasswire router feature for my home router setup, but Iā€™m not expecting that. I donā€™t really think that Glasswire was ever primarily aimed at advanced users. They tried to make some advanced monitoring features very accessible to the average user, and in that effort they have succeeded, IMO.

I have seen occasional comments from advanced users that are disappointed that they didnā€™t take it further, and I understand, but I donā€™t think they will.

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wish i was a advanced user :smiley:

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I think theyā€™re aiming for the simple and easy to use method so the average person can use it without having to learn sophisticated commands. IMO. I think theyā€™ve done good job so far. :grinning:

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