Forum Dark Mode


Could it be possible to enable dark mode on the forum (I know discourse has it built-in ^^).
Would be a great thing to have (my eyes would finally stop bleeding when reading the forum :P)

Thank you :wink:



Can you check your settings and see if it’s working? I think I set it up, but I am not 100% sure.

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Working like a charm, thank you ! :slight_smile:
(Don’t see it in the settings though. but it’s active)

If you go to your preferences/interface are you able to change it? I made the default white again, but now you should be able to change it?

Nop not showing up as it should.

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OK, I will try to figure it out. I went to the official Discourse site but the options they show there don’t seem to exist anymore for some reason. I think they changed the UI?

I am having trouble setting it up as they give instructions to since those options don’t seem to exist anymore.

I did not install discourse since a long time.
Just know form another site that installed recently that the option is there, but no idea exactly where for now :stuck_out_tongue:

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Just coming back on this as it is still not active for us to use…
(My eyes are crying and asking for dark mode every time I read the forum…)