GlassWire 3.4.694 - Latest version now has advertising!

Hello Andrea_GlassWire

Well i have just had a look at the latest version of Glasswire and now i see it has advertising at the bottom of the screen under the network Scanner tab.

Attached screenshot:
Ad GW Under Network Scanner Tab

I for one are not happy about this in paid software. I could understand if it was in a free version.

I am sure i wont be the only one not happy about this!

Please can you have this remove in the next update version?

If any others are not happy with the ad please voice your opinions.


Yeah, I posted about this in the other thread. It wouldn’t be so bad if it could be dismissed, but a non-removable ad in a paid licence is really poor.

So the dev team have time to do this, but not address longstanding issues with core functionality. I guess we understand the priorities of the new owner.


Hello Andrea_GlassWire

Can we please have the ad removed?
Or an option somewhere in the settings, not to show the ad?
Thank you…

we noted it down, we’ll be working on that next.
Thank you


It’s not good enough, and it should never have made it into a release product. The fact that someone in your organisation felt this was acceptable is unbelievable and they should be shown the door.

A simple poll if your user community would have made it crystal clear no one wants this. But only morons would have even had to take a poll to figure that out, probably the same ones that made the decision to include it in the first place.

That does it for me I’m afraid, I have to agree that if this is the priority of the organisation over fixing bugs and adding long desired features by the paying customers then I will not renew. I have been questioning for some time the value of this software and this puts the nail in the coffin after several years of paying hoping you would get your acts together only to find this is what it has come to.

Good luck Glasswire community I fear you are on the rapid downhill slide from here. This product ain’t getting any better based on this debacle.


I too came here to voice my dislike of the forced advertisement at the bottom of the Network Scanner section. There’s no way to close it from the Network tab and nothing in the Settings to remove/not show ads either.

That was poorly executed and frankly a new version should be pushed out sooner rather than later to remedy it.

I certainly don’t want to wait nearly four months for the next release to get rid of this ad.

If users begin to see more advertisements in Glasswire I will have to consider delisting it from my Anti-Malware Toolkit.

Worth noting for all, Glasswire’s publisher has also changed to Domotz.


I agreed, it would not take long to just removed that from the code
and release again. But i fear it will be not as quick as we would hope for…

We listen to our users and try to be as fast as we can, keeping the pace with our pipeline.
This will not take long to be addressed.

Thank you everybody for your feedback.
In addition, while by expressing your opinion you contribute to the growth of the software and of our community, we always invite to be polite and mind your language.


It’d be great to see a 3.4.694.1 fix to remove the ad this week.

Checking in to see when we get this hotfix that removes the ad. It’s almost two weeks later.

And yet the ad is still there 13 days later.

I don’t think I’ll be renewing GW.

Give them chance, 4 months of development work went into adding the ad.

Going on three weeks now. What’s the delay?

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@Andrea_GlassWire @Katie_GlassWire It’s been nearly a month now… Care to give us all an update on why this is taking so long?

It should be something as simple as…
domotzAdBanner.Visible = False

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Wouldn’t be surprised if corporate have said no, it stays.
I note they haven’t explicitly said it will be removed, only that it will be worked on and addressed.
That might still mean periodic or dismissible ads, which would explain the development time.

Hello there,
While I understand the frustration, I warmely ask you to bear with the time of development and implementation. We hear you, we actively read the forum and your inputs and take your opinion in high consideration.
The banner will be removed for all the users with a premium license with the next GlassWire update, along with other requested feature.
Making people happy to use our software is our n1 priority, there’s no reason we should aim at the opposite.
Please be patient, that’s all we ask :slight_smile:

How about those with a lifetime Pro or Elite licence?

same, the banner will remain only for free users

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So it’s now been well over a month for something that should have been a same day to same week at most fix.

What’s taking so long?

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In fact two months! Development is glacial.