GlassWire 3.4.768 is here!

Here’s your blog announcement for the latest GlassWire update:

:rocket: GlassWire Update: Bug Fixes & UI Improvements for a Smoother Experience!

We’re excited to announce the latest update for GlassWire, packed with bug fixes and UI enhancements to make your experience even better!

:wrench: What’s New?

:bar_chart: Graph Stability Fix: No more brief disappearing acts! The graph now remains visible without interruptions.

:art: Improved Firewall Tab Design: A cleaner and more intuitive header for easier navigation.

:red_circle: No More Distracting Red Dot: The unnecessary red dot on the user icon has been removed.

:bookmark_tabs: Refined Menu Alignment: Small but noticeable tweaks to ensure a polished look.

:shield: Better DNS Alerts Handling: Fixed an issue where duplicate DNS alerts were incorrectly showing the same IP during idle mode and internet reconnections.

:computer: Windows Service Stability: Resolved crashes that occurred during Windows service shutdown.

:link: TCP Connection Fix: No more crashes when creating TCP connections.

:hammer_and_wrench: Memory Leak Resolved: Fixed an issue where undestroyed client connection objects caused excessive memory usage after specific UI requests.

:closed_lock_with_key: Cloud Login Page Fix: The final login page for Cloud accounts is now fully functional and ensures successful authentication.

This update focuses on making GlassWire smoother, more stable, and free of distractions. Update now and enjoy an even better experience!

:point_right: Download the latest version and let us know your feedback!

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