Glasswire Account Deleted

So, I have reformatted my computer, and when I try to reset my password, as I have never needed to log in after the first time, and i never get the reset email.

Hi @lordmiyu,

Registering a GlassWire account has been introduced with version 3.0 for the purpose of purchasing our new cloudbase licenses, and it is not related to the account you may have used to purchase licenses on Cleverbridge, which is a third party reseller of our licenses.

Please make sure you have downloaded the latest version of GlassWire where mandatory log in has been removed: Download Firewall Software by GlassWire


Well, I bought it on glasswire .com, I even have emails about this happening before.

Hi @lordmiyu,

I am unable to find either a GlassWire account nor a legacy license purchased with the email address associated with your forum account.

Please can you email with details of your license so we can help reactivate your endpoint?

Thank you,