I understand now. You’ll close the GlassWire window, then later it will die in the notification area and cease to run. Thanks for reporting this.
We made a new system to test with where we can build massive histories with massive numbers of hosts and we hope we can recreate and fix this bug for torrent users.
Just joined yesterday and am running 1.1.46 on multiple systems. Two of the three have not seen much difference in terms of system utilization. The one I’ve noticed it on has quieted down the system quite significantly (HP DV6 Intel i3 330M). Thank you for further fine tuning the app and making improvements!
We’re glad the new version is working good for you and we really appreciate your testing! I’m using the new version also and it’s working great for me too. We also made a special tool so we can generate massive fake databases of fake host/app data to test.
Hello and thank you for providing a complete and extensive product that works well to fill in the gaps that Norton cannot.
I would love to be included in the new beta test round and will provide feedback data and reviews as well as site traffic and downloads as much as possible.
@Ken_GlassWire The Crash and notification problem is gone completely I am fully sure.
that’s why I took some time to tell you guys
so thanxx guys for fixing it But guys I don’t want to say it but As Soon As I replied you another problem showed up
the loading screen bug but only on usage tab ….sometimes it shows me loading screen of death and sometimes when I change the tab quickly the problem fixes automatically and when the user got loading screen there are no resources issues means glassware doesn’t eat up any resource at all when the loading screen is showing up
Hello and thank you for providing a complete and extensive product that works well to fill in the gaps that Norton cannot.
I would love to be included in the new beta test round and will provide feedback data and reviews as well as site traffic and downloads as much as possible.
SO ken I just updated my version to 1.1.50b I didn’t see or get any problems except the usage one Loading times are good because you guys deleted my previous database and I actually didn’t clean install it and just upgrade it and this is the bug i get in usage tab
and I am still seeing some high loading times my cpu and memory consumption remain the same only loading time get bigger and if I change the tab quickly the problem fixes automatically…so plz fix this issue this issue was on previous version too …
An old issue appeared
So guys I am experiencing an old issue on 1.1.50b (I don’t know if the previous alpha versions has this issue or not because I didn’t use the firewall on previous versions at all) ….
I forgot that I have not been using glasswire firewall on many alpha version so today I gave it a shot and experience an old problem (I don’t know about alpha versions but this type problem was on previous beta version I don’t remember the exact version number though)
This is an really old issue
When there are 2 or more programs blocked in glasswire firewall the glasswire service automatically stop running in 1 to 2 minutes
I made video about this problem Plz see it till the end
Just updating this post to say we’re still accepting people into the testing group if you’d like to join. Thanks for all your help testing GlassWire. We plan to have a new public update out tomorrow or the next day!