Glasswire "crashes" then needs reinstallation

In my ongoing fight against local attackers, I’ve got problems keeping Glasswire up and running for anything that resembles an extended time period.

What has happened twice so far is this; Glasswire running. I check “Ask To Connect” and check every single program by verifying it’s location and signature (if the signature isn’t in properties, I use a powershell command that responds with ‘verified’ or not).

A few weeks ago, I noticed the Glasswire icon in the tray was blank. I opened GW and couldn’t connect with or without VPN connected. I unistalled GW (wiped it all), reinstalled and it was OK. For a week. The same thing happened again.

This is a relatively new install of Windows 11 Pro on a custom built PC. I use the VirusTotal API key. I’ve got Bitdefender and Bitdefender VPN. I’m currently using Bitdefender’s firewall instead of GW. I recently added NoThanksVirus OS shield (or whatever it’s called). I suspect there’s is (or has been) some kind of MITM, ARP/DNS poisoning on my PC but I can’t prove it. I’m sure who the attackers are and that they’ve used deauth attacks on my wifi (which I only need to access my router and run cams) which unfortunately is WPA2 for 2.4GHz and hard passwords both on the router and and wifi (5GHz seems OK but I notice missing videos from my cams).

I know there are “exploits” that are supposed to be able to bypass firewalls. Exactly how susceptible is Glasswire to these exploits? Even with a VPN, antivirus and firewall?

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So I uninstalled/reinstalled GW yet again and it’s up and running.

I suspect NoVirusThanks OSArmor was blocking a process or executable that GW needed so I’m going to be more careful about that. Note, however, that I hadn’t yet installed NVT OSArmor when GW blanked out the first time.

What I’m mostly concerned about is whether or not GW (or any firewall I use) is being exploited and taken down. I had problems with the Bitdefender firewall and had to reinstall it as well. Reframing this in another post since no one seems eager to help me in this one.

Hi sirdavos
Personally i think you may have to many things running ie Bitdefender and its firewall, NoThanksVirus OS shield (or whatever it’s called) each monitoring each other.
Anyway looks like you may have found the problem
All the best

Of course I disable the BitDefender firewall while running GW.

What is the best protection for targeted ARP spoofing attacks then? It seems like GW should at least detect these attacks but I don’t see it in docs.

I said it’s called NoVirusThanks OSArmor so why the sarcasm?

I took it from your first post and just did a copy and paste.
See your first post top of page.
“NoThanksVirus OS shield (or whatever it’s called)”
Not intended to be sarcasm…