GlassWire periodically turned off

The program disables the monitoring of network activity. In the area of the tray icon instead of the program becomes gray color. Version 1.0.38.
It is observed only on my work computer, where a lot of information transfer up to 1 terabyte per month.

Please try completely uninstalling, rebooting, then reinstalling the latest version and let me know if that helps.

Same problem here! Version 1.1.32b. Uninstall, reboot, install… still the problem.

I have exactly same problem. It started to happen when I needed to turn off firewall. I always keep it enabled with “Ask To Connect” setting. After I turned it off and on again the setting always switches to “Click To Block”. Even when I change it back to “Ask To Connect” it stays there for 3 seconds, and changes back to “Click To Block”. I rebooted system and now firewall is OFF! When I switch it ON, it stays like that for 3 seconds and then changes back to OFF. Why?!

Only fix I found is to uninstall everything, delete settings and then reinstall. I’m tired of deactivating, reinstalling and activating it again. How many times I will need to do this? And I loose all my settings (blocked applications) every time I reinstall… Not cool.

Please try clearing your history and see if this problem continues. We plan a fix at the end of this month that should solve this permanently.