GlassWire won´t full install

So i have this problem where i try to install it (GlassWire) and at around 70% it just shut down without any message what so ever,but when i check the location of the install it is actullay instaled .I try to run it and i get this errors MSVCP140.dll was not found i press ok and another system error pops up VCRUNTIME140.dll was not found ,do i have a malware that block the app from instralling or the windows does this ?


Sorry for the issue. Are you installing our latest version from

What version of Windows do you have? Is it possible to run Windows Update?

Yes GlassWire is the latest version and i don´t have any new updates on my Windows.
My Windows is Windows 10 Home, Version 21H1.
PS:I don´t know if its relevant but the GlassWire installation is shuting down at Registering Windows Event Log manifest .

Thank you for your time and response.

Is the Windows Event Log disabled on your PC? If so, can you enable it? Did that solve the issue?

I looked it up and its enabled(or so i belive, could you send me a step by step link so i will be 100% sure) ,it still won´t install

I also searched for step by step instructions to enable Windows Event Log, and I had trouble finding something. Do you have any idea why yours may be disabled? Do you use any unusual third party tools or something like that?

No, i don´t and i have found the Windows Event Log to be enabled …

Sorry for the issue.

Do you use any other security software? If so, may I ask what it is?

Windows Defender, but i assume that is not what you meant

GlassWire works great with Windows Defender. I thought maybe you used some kind of third party tool that makes unusual Windows OS settings somehow…

I will discuss with our team and see if we can recreate the issue. Thanks again for your report and I apologize for the problem.

Meanwhile if anyone else has this issue please don’t be shy, let us know by posting here!

Thank you and hope you and the team finds an solve ,best regards to you and the team.

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Glasswire not installing on 21H1
Delete our installer.
Reboot your PC.
Download our latest version again from Glasswire.
Double click the installer and do nothing else, then wait. Please look at the taskbar for any notices that you need to click. Please wait at least 2-3 minutes just in case.

Rachel Gomez