GW on a Snapdragon Win11 laptop?


I’m considering buying a Windows 11 laptop equipped with a Qualcomm SD8CX Gen2 Snapdragon processor.

Will GW work specifically on that?


I was going to contact support direct, but I thought the answer would be of interest to the community. While we’re at it, ARM processors in general?

• Elite lifetime legacy license ending in -DA3#3479. (# for additional obfuscation.) Showing as Free or Legacy-Lite for my five systems in the Management Console.

Does Glasswire work with ARM processors?

Hi dallas7

You could always download and test out the free version.
If happy how things go, then you could purchase it.

Hi mykomy

I know they have a version for mobiles

Otherwise You could always download and test out the free version.
and see how things go.

Sounds like they already have a licence but not an ARM device (considering purchasing).