High memory usage after couple of days

Around 600bm of ram. What i did was to clear the history and everything returned to normal. Can you please fix it?

Win 7 ultimate, i5, 8GB ram

Thank you in advance.

Yep, same here; it just gets higher and higher.

We’ll try to recreate and fix it. Thanks.

Memory usage keeps rising for me as well. Went from 26 to 60 and now getting even bigger in usage. I am on Windows 8.1 Professional.

If you can, please make memory usage as low as possible.


By the way, excellent tool, I am enjoying it.

Keeping memory/cpu usage low has always been our priority. We will continue to optimize. Thanks!

Yeah, this happens to me as well. Starts real low and after a couple of hours it’s nearly on top of the list. I’m liking this program very much, so I’d love to see it optimized.

Same win, cpu and ram as op.

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The same issue here :frowning: http://i.imgur.com/gIeiST1.png

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