Is Domotz partnership still going on? Any info available?

Domotz business user here trying to find info about the recent partnership and ‘glasswire for business’ launch, but I am finding many of the links on domotz’s and glasswire’s websites end up redirecting to glasswire(dot)com and so forth instead of where the urls seemingly used to point. Is there any info anywhere on how to implement glasswire through Domotz? Is that even still a think? I asked on their forum as well in case they can help.


As far as I know Glasswire is in partnership with Domotz. Domotz is helping to build Glasswire to better its monitoring capabilites. Domotz is also a very reliable company. If you want to know more, I’m pretty sure Katy can give more information about it.

Thanks. I was just trying to find any info about it at all and was struggling except references which no longer seemed current. I’ll reach out to Glasswire help if I need more info.



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Hi @bradypphcm,

Thank you for reaching out. The GlassWire for Business (GW4B) service, previously available through Domotz, has concluded its pilot phase and is no longer offered. However, we’re preparing to launch the “Domotz Windows Endpoint Collector” in 2025, aimed at providing RMM and traffic analysis for Windows endpoints to Domotz customers.

The original GlassWire product remains available for direct purchase on our website, with business plans designed for 10 and 20+ endpoints. This product is geared towards consumers, prosumers, and companies seeking a similar end-user experience for their teams.


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Thanks, Katie! I appreciate the followup info.
