Is GlassWire similar to TripMode?

I am looking for an alternative to TripMode that works with Windows 10, is GlassWire similar?

And will GlassWire work alright with my VPN?

I have never heard of that app, but GlassWire for Windows works fine with a VPN. If you run into any issues please let me know. Our app has a free 7 day trial.

Our user guide is here GlassWire Help & Quick Start Guide.

To set up a data plan on our Windows software go to our top left menu and choose “settings” then “data plan”.

Late reply because I just accidentally came across this thread.

Glasswire can be used to limit/control your network traffic just like TripMode for the purposes of saving data, although it’s not intended for that specific purpose so it’s less user-friendly especially for casual users like me who don’t know all the ins and outs of networking. GW is a firewall so fundamentally it lets you choose what traffic to allow or block – and that’s what you want. But the app isn’t coming from the perspective of “data saving” so its tools aren’t streamlined for that application. For a windows firewall app, the interface is very friendly – but after using Tripmode’s controls you may have some frustration when using GW.

Still, GW is the next-best thing to TripMode that I have found on Windows. I’ve been using it to manage my data usage for about a year – I live entirely off a cellular dataplan so this is critical to me.