Logging and notification for remote connection from a trusted IP

I’ve set up remove connection on one of my many PCs, PC that I use as a file server - I’ve set it so only one IP is allowed to remote into GlassWire
so, it’s pretty annoying to see the notification that the trusted IP logged in

can we have a option to either:


Go to GlassWire settings, then the security tab and click “remote glasswire connections” then uncheck “notify me of remote GlassWire connections”. Does that fix it?

it shall be tested
thank you

The reason we added this as on on default is because it would be scary if some remote PC is monitoring your GlassWire stats. So we wanted users to know that it’s happening, but you can disable these alerts easily.

nop, it still annoys me

I completely understand why it’s there, but doesn’t make sense when there’s a single IP allowed to connect

Sorry, were you able to disable it?

I disabled it, it seems to now show up in the taskbar as new event but it does show in the Alerts tab and it’s not self parsing (self making as read)

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