Among the other gremlins that remain after a Win10 → 11 upgrade, one thing that never improved was the EXCRUCIATINGLY LONG TIME it takes to enable or disable the firewall via Glasswire Protect tab. That slider switch - I can stare at it for seemingly 5 minutes and it doesn’t move, only indicates with some gyrating pattern that it WILL change, and it does finally do it, but I only want to let ONE APP update to install, for example Adobe CC…
The CC update screen prompts to update. I click it, and then glasswire tells me 6-8 seconds later that the updater app wants to run (from a temp directory) and when I allow it in the GW pop-up, its too late for Adobe CC because it tells me the update failed. And I click again, and again 8 seconds elapse, GW asks if I want to allow access, and when I click yes, CC update again fails. I have to turn the FW off and allow CC to update, and who knows what else gets by in the meantime, as the logging screen sucks, and hard most of the time to tell what happened.
Why does the disable enable GW Protect take so damn long?? That code needs to be optimized, or your interaction with the Windows FW service needs to be improved. Something should change here. Very inconvenient, and there is no way to whitelist the executable after the fact, because many apps download a new instance of it, so GW sees it as NEW, EVERY TIME it tries to execute the update and hit the Internet.