Mini Graph speed text isn't clear

when using the mini-graph at its lowest size, internet speed text is not readable or clear.


In this forum post, you’re almost totally right (per my eyes). Your image is a little smaller than 100px X 200px, yet even without zooming in on my home PC I’m reading 919KB/s download and 1 KB/s upload.


I have a pro tip!

Go to GlassWire’s settings and make our fonts larger.

Now see how it looks.

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Problem is that this changes everything, can there be a way to just change the mini-graph font size and color?

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We have no way to do so currently. Thanks for your feedback.

Late response, but it’s a helpful tip.

It worked great for me:

Even resized down to the width of the OP’s image it is still very legible:

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