"No network connection" in Network Scanner?

Hi yall,
lately I suddenly get “No network connection” in Network Scanner.

Restart service

Win 11
v 3.4.748

Any other suggestions?


No one?

How do I get in touch with official Glasswire support?

You can get help at help@glasswire.com Hope that helps. :grinning:

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I have the same problem, tho sometimes those network devices appear in the log Analysis Tab but the Network scanner stays empty. And I have this since I updated it to the last version.

Same problem here. Any advice?

I just read their other threads… And literally, they are trying to solving things like this for years :sweat_smile:… And names it “Actively Working”… Idk it’s a team issue or anything like but they have to respond as quickly as possible… People have really spent Some money ( I didn’t )