Why does GlassWire keep re-adding the same apps over and over again to the same lists?
Is there a method to remove multiple apps at the same time?
Like a log file. I probably have SEVERAL HUNDRED apps listed and would like an easier method of removal other than one by one or the hassle of NUKE AND PAVE the program.
This topic appears to be similar in nature to what I am asking for. It is from 2022 and has any progress been made? Is it in work? ETC?
XX in place of tt as links are not allowed.
Thankfully, this feature was finally added a couple of months ago. You can now remove all uninstalled app entries with a single click. This will remove them from both the GlassWire database and the firewall rules.

You can do the same for Inactive Apps, although that is likely to result in removing apps which are used occasionally.
Active Apps can only be removed one at a time. The version column was also added as an aid to identify old versions.
My concern is the list of Blocked Apps, not just the Inactive/uninstalled apps. I am using GlassWire Basic and it has no Uninstalled Apps listing.
Would this get consideration for the Blocked Apps listing?
At what point does it suffer a buffer overflow error for containing too many entries?
Are you running the latest version? The Uninstalled Apps section was added in November. I haven’t heard of this being a premium feature. Alternatively, if you have only just installed, perhaps you don’t have any apps in that category yet.
Why would you want to delete all of your Blocked Apps? This will either mean allowing all the apps, or require that you have to reconfirm them all.
I’ve never seen a buffer overflow error, but enabling/disabling the firewall does take longer the more entries you have. This is why it is useful to clear out the uninstalled (and perhaps some inactive) as they no longer serve a purpose. Whilst the Active and Blocked lists are the apps you really care about.