Problem with Firewall on Android 10 and NordVPN


the blocking for the internet access does not work. I touch the OFF button in Firewall, I accept all, but I still see the OFF button, so the firewall is not turned on.

I am able to select apps or better said to restrict their data (data icons are crossed), but when I turn them on, they connect to the internet without any problems.

I am using Android 10 and NordVPN.

Thank you

update: I have deleted (in Android settings) a VPN profile for NordVPN and the firewall started to work, when I recreated it, the firewall is off. So I suppose there is a clash between those two. Is there any way how to get them to play along?


Unfortunately Android only gives a VPN as a way for us to block, and Android can only have one VPN working at a time. It’s a technical limitation and there isn’t anything we can do currently. I apologize for the inconvenience.

@rootwilliamson Are you sure? Do you have a news article about it? I have not heard about that.

I found these articles. Is this what you are talking about @rootwilliamson? I guess you are new so you cannot post links yet?

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