Suspect data traffic by "TIER E-Scooter & E-Roller" Android App

please help me. The app “TIER E-Scooter & E-Roller” had a very strange and frightening background activity yesterday.

As you can see, the app has uploaded almost 17GB of data. but why? and what data please? What should I do now?

I look forward to your reply.

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Download and run Malwarebytes for Android.

What sort of phone is this?

Review the permissions granted to the app on your device. Make sure it doesn’t have unnecessary or suspicious permissions. Go to your device settings, find the app in question, and review the permissions it has. Reach out to the app’s customer support or help center. They may be able to provide information about the data usage and whether it’s expected behavior. Look for contact information within the app or on the app’s official website. Check app reviews on the app store to see if other users have reported similar issues. Visit online forums or communities related to the app or e-scooter services. Others may have experienced similar problems and could offer solutions. Ensure that you are using the latest version of the app. Developers often release updates to fix bugs and address security concerns.