Unable to activate

Still unable to activate my basic plan i paid for it just wont activate. invoice BKD-73612386982

What error do you see? Please email our helpdesk https://www.glasswire.com/contact/.

Please uninstall GlassWire, reboot, then reinstall our latest version and try again. Screenshots would be helpful also to the helpdesk. Thanks and sorry for the problem, it’s not a usual one.

unable to activate after paying my 45$ membership need some help here. my clevebridge reference # wont go in were it says activation notion happens.

did that will try again

Please try uninstalling GlassWire, rebooting, and reinstalling again. If you try typing into the box it won’t allow any text to go in at all or will it not allow copying/pasting? If it won’t allow copying/pasting please be sure you didn’t copy any space before or after the code.