Unable to Establish a Connection


So I’ve just made the big bang purchase of your Pro but unable to monitor anything :frowning: I’ve installed it on my desktop and would like to monitor my servers (on the same subnet, same LAN) I can ping, RDP to it but using the same computer, it won’t connect.

Here’s what I’ve done so far

Server (destination): Set remote access, gave it an alpha-numerical password.
Desktop (source): Connect to “Remote Server” via adding the server with a name, IP:7007, the same password I set above, “Enable Connection” but I got no answer.

I’ve opened a Telnet to Port 7007 and I can move my cursor so I know the port is opened.

I’ve also created a Windows Inbound Rule to allow 7000-8000.

Read through other people’s issue and try specifying port # etc all no dice. Please assist :frowning: pretty disappointed that it did not allow me to remote monitor… the only reason I bought this :confused:


We don’t want our users to be disappointed. Let’s get this working for you!

Please try these instructions exactly.

Your Remote PC:

  1. First go to the top left GlassWire menu and open settings\server\remote access;
  2. Check the box “Allow remote access by password”;
  3. Click “Change password” and set the new password. Try making the
    password simple for the first connection only, to be sure you don’t have
    a typo.
  4. Click OK;
  5. Open settings\server\general and make sure that the “Remote access state” is “Allowed”

Local PC (the PC from which we are going to connect to the remote PC from):

  1. Open Settings\Client\Remote server;
  2. Click “Add new server” and select it on the “Server list”;
  3. Type the name of the server;
  4. Type the IP address of the remote server; Go to www.whatismyip.com5 from the remote server if you’re not sure.
  5. Type the remote server password, which was set previously;
  6. Check “Enable connection”;
  7. Click OK.The connection process should start. If the connection was
    successful please use a secure password, or limit connections from a
    certain IP address.

Did the connection fail? What is the error message you see when the
connection fails? Are the local and remote versions of GlassWire both
our latest software versions?


Well, it felt like working today, but in the IP field it does need 7010.

I also have to open a Windows Firewall inbound rule, hoping future version would install that and add that to the FW rule on Windows :slight_smile:


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I’m glad it’s working now!