Using glasswire on non-root Android phones

I used Glasswire before on my rooted phone. I loved the program but alas that phone died and I had to get a new one. The new one is a Samsung A51, and it is not rooted.

The question I have is, “Is it possible to get the full functionality of Glasswire on a non-rooted Android?”

I am guessing I would have to install Glasswire with ADB or the like. Or a side install with Windows. The #1 function I need is to block all but a couple apps on my phone from using the cellular data.


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The firewall does work on none rooted devices, but it does so by creating a local VPN and routing all data through it (also the same way it uses to display real time data usage)

The problem with this method is of course if you want to use an actual VPN as this would then disable the firewall/usage capability.

AFAIK there’s no way to reliably do this on a non-rooted phone, although I’ve only used Pixel devices for the last few years.

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Hey Greg

I totally get the struggle of transitioning to a new phone! Regarding GlassWire on your non rooted Samsung A51, you’re right about the limitations, but there’s still good news. While you can’t achieve the same level of control without root access, GlassWire is designed to work on non-rooted devices as well. You won’t need ADB or anything complex. Just install it from the Google Play Store like any other app.

For your specific requirement of blocking certain apps from using cellular data, GlassWire has a feature called ‘Data Plan’ that allows you to set data limits for individual apps. It won’t block them entirely, but you can prevent them from using more data than you’d like.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. Let me know how it goes! If you need more help, feel free to ask.
