Yourphone.exe and other frequently changing exe files

I have been a happy GlassWire users for over a year now. Great product.

One thing that has annoyed me is that when you deny an exe if that exe changes it asks again if you want to allow it access. This is most noticable with the Windows yourphone.exe (I think that is the name, my apps list got cleared as I just updated). It seems as if Microsoft changes that every other day and it triggers a new prompt.

I think the functionality should be like when an allowed exe changes. By default you allow the new version with a quick popup saying “blah.exe changed”. The block should be the same. If I have said block whatever.exe in the past then always block it from now on (even when it changes) unless I go in and specifically start granting it access.

Just makes it smoother and stops me having to re-block already blocked exe files.

Thanks for the consideration.


yep +1 with you on this,
glasswire needs to fully support windows store apps and not create duplicate entires and ask for permission after an update

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We are actively working on this. Thanks for your feedback.


Dear GlassWire Team,

it’s been over a year since this entry and the problem still persists. The daily popups are really a pain in the… Is there any workaround like editing the rule manually and using a wildcard in the path to the .exe? As far as I understand GlassWire doesn’t recognize new versions of certain .exe files (like yourphone.exe or filecoauth.exe) due to windows deploying every update in a newly created unique subfolder. However the parent folder stays the same, so using a wildcard like “C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneDrive*\filecoauth.exe” for the firewall rule should do the job.

Any hints on how to fix this is highly appreciated.

Best regards

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Sorry for the issue. We were unable to find a solution, because if the executable hash has changed then it’s not the same file anymore.

For example someone could just make malware named edge.exe, and then GlassWire would just OK to connection if you OK’d it.

Also, it’s unusual for yourphone.exe to change every day. I haven’t seen this reported lately. Is it changing for you every day?

Dear Ken,

thanks for your reply and the explanation - makes sense.

To answer your question: No, yourphone.exe does not change every day, rather once every one or two weeks. However, it’s not the only .exe with thie described behaviour. There are several more like


They all come back from time to time with yourphone.exe and filecoauth.exe beeing the most frequent.

I’m not an expert - as my earlier post clearly shows :slight_smile: However, there must be a solution to this.

Best regards

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One idea we had was to allow/deny by publisher, so perhaps we can consider adding that functionality in the future.

So, Slack would get an “Allow” for all apps on your system by Slack.

Well, sounds like an option. Give it a shot :wink:

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Hello, long time GlassWire user here and I really love the program. I use it on my Windows 10 PC.

I just wanted to +1 this suggestion to always allow/block based on your previous choice even if the app updates. When you run a lot of software that updates frequently, having the apps automatically block while they’re trying to update or run for the first time can be really annoying. Things like MS Office, yourphone.exe, Steam, and many other apps means that I get these messages sometimes multiple times a day, requiring that I interact with multiple prompts and try to remember which ones I previously blocked or allowed.

I think permanently allowing/blocking based on publisher could work. I also think if a program updates you could compare multiple attributes, for example if the name, path, and publisher are the same but the hash is different, then use the previous setting and don’t require an interaction from the user. But if one of those is different, then require an interaction.

Please fix this soon, I love GlassWire but this is my least favorite thing about the program. Once I get everything customized and set up properly it requires too much of my attention, I want it to run in the background and only alert me of something when absolutely necessary.
