Future Feature Requests!

It would be nice if a scroll bar was added in the Hosts panel

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This is with the Windows app. something like what @Alan_Runyan was saying, but the ability to block specific IP addresses as opposed to the individual app. This could probably be done, by putting an flame next to every IP address that shows up under the app requesting it, and when you click the flame, it adds the IP to the hosts file. This is good for software that would otherwise be good but they keep sending all of your info to the chinese (maxthon for example)
Also, another feature to automatically show the domain name next to the IP like wireshark does in a sense. this way you have more info on what is going on.

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Thanks for your feedback and Happy New Year @Nossy_Drelich.

It would be great if there was an easy way to select multiple firewall rules to be deleted, for example I have many entries for Avast Antivirus Installer (probably for each update/feature installed etc’) and I wanted to clean that up, currently I had to press X on each row and then wait for the pop-up to show - then press Ok and move to the next row, it was slow and tedious, so I’de love a way to do such a thing faster where I can select all these entries and have one pop-up to delete them all :slight_smile:

It turns out I have many other such cases, for many other programs that have an entry for each new version. I’de like to clean all the old ones, so another idea is to have the date that the entry was added (as a column), that way it would be easy to know which entry is the latest one and even sort by date (currently it seems they all look alike and are not ordered by date, it takes lots of time to figure out which one is the latest.


I think this might be of interest to a number of people.

2 versions of GW :

  • a full version as now,
  • a lightened version without the FW, with a lower price.

Best advice I can give is - don’t use avast. They have gotten into too much trouble for monitoring and spying on people. Use the built in Microsoft Defender instead.


I have seen that Microsoft Defender is doing really good these days, I might drop Avast in the near future. :slight_smile:


Different color schemes/themes for devices in sever list

Search Function to search for blocked apps.

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Please look for the search icon on the firewall screen. You can then search for all apps, but not specifically blocked ones. Thanks for your feedback.

I agree with the suggestion above.
I need to be able to automatically block all apps except Whatsapp on my kid’s phone when the monthly limit is approaching.
If a limit per app is to complex to realize and administrate, a simple blacklist/whitelist with user settable data limit would suffice.

Hello again,

Two years ago, I wrote up some suggestions to features I would love to see in Glasswire, since then I haven’t really seen much change, or at least, very few of our suggestions have been considered. I really think some of my suggestions have great merit and would be amazing additions to the software.

One of the features I want the most are also one of the easiest to implement: Option to mass delete and mass edit rules by multiselection - I don’t understand why such a simple feature has been delayed for so long. Am I really the only one who find this useful?

@Ken_GlassWire: Is two years long enough to ask again for some roadmap, or simply put: Will the dev team even consider my suggestions seriously?

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I am still waiting for feature to delete rules for applications/files that do not exists any more, ie. are no longer installed

GW keeps track of all of them in its internal DB, even if I delete the firewall rules manually, GW restores them back on restart, hundreds of useless invalid rules :frowning:

the only option is to go each app in GW one by one, figure out if it exists, and remove it manually there.
horrible user experience


I still would like a way to see if a new version is out (in the About pop-up for example), maybe even get a single notification once a new version is out and I’m opening GlassWire
An option for updating the software without downloading a new file from the website manually every time could be nice as well :slight_smile:

As another year comes to a close, we’re keenly aware that the feature suggestions from this thread still await an update. With Ken’s departure, perhaps @Sahar_GlassWire would be kind enough to share some insights?

For nearly four years, many of us have eagerly awaited a roadmap that bridges the gap between our valued customer community and the development team. While it’s commendable to see the expansion into new platforms and other developments, we can’t help but notice that the features most requested by our community haven’t been prioritized. A while back, we understood that focus was being given to the Mac version, but that endeavor seems to have encountered obstacles following MacOS updates.

Would it be possible now to thoughtfully consider our community’s feature suggestions and include them in a forthcoming roadmap? This would greatly help us gauge the progression of the software in a direction that aligns with our expectations.

Thank you immensely for your time and consideration

well it took five years but the world map was finally implemented in version 3.3.517. Thank you very much team for implementing this feature into GlassWire, it looks really good.